General Rules

  • The rules form a guide. The decision of the admins may differ from this, if the situation requires this from the admins’ point of view. This can be the case, for example, when a team or a player consciously tries to exploit a previously undiscovered loophole in the set of rules.
  • The games are played on the Faceit platform, on which an anti-cheat system and already configured servers are available for free.
  • All games of the season are played in Bo1 mode with a map veto system.
  • The first game starts on Saturday at 6:00 p.m. If a team is 15 minutes late, a default win can be distributed.
  • Broadcasting of the games via live stream is generally permitted. Exceptions will be announced by the tournament management.
  • Selected games can be observed by an admin. However, there is no entitlement to an admin watching a game.
  • The usual fair play rules apply. We will take rigorous action against any form of unauthorized bug-using, cheating or unsporting behavior, which in the worst case could lead to exclusion from the current and upcoming cups. The severity of the punishment is determined by the administration team based on the severity of the offense.

Eligibility requirements and exclusion of certain players

  • After registration, every player on a team is checked. The tournament management reserves the right to exclude players from the cup if one or more of the following points apply:
    • Cheating ban in a foreign league (ESL, 99Liga, ESEA, FACEIT, etc.) in the past 12 months
    • VAC bans in the past 12 months and / or repeated bans
    • Suspicious activity (e.g. membership in a cheater forum)
    • Suspicious Steam profiles and Faceit profiles (can be: newer than 12 months, very few hours of play, few games)


  • Demos are available through Faceit. If a team suspects a cheat against an opposing player, the demo can be downloaded and analyzed. Please submit controversial scenes to, stating the following information: Match, name of the suspect, a maximum of six controversial scenes, specifying the tick and a short description of each scene with a maximum of 1-2 sentences. Please also inform the responsible admin in the Discord in advance!

Ranking list and distribution of points

  • A season constists of 10 cups.
  • In order to collect points for the ranking, the same team name must be chosen for each tournament (if you change your name during the season, please contact support).
  • 1st place: 25 points
    2nd place: 20 points
    3rd/4th place: 15 points
    5th/8th place: 10 points


  • The season winner (first team in the ranking after all 10 cups have been played) receives a bonus of 250€.
  • Prizes are normally paid within 48 hours after the end of the cup. To receive your prizes, please open a support ticket in the #prize-request channel of the SkinBaron Cup Discord server.
  • Please restrain from spamming in the support channels or adding our admins on their private profiles for requesting your prizes.
  • 1st place: 5x 25€ SkinBaron voucher
    2nd place:5x 15€ SkinBaron voucher
    3rd/4th place: 5x 10€ SkinBaron voucher
    5th/8th place: 5x 5€ SkinBaron voucher
    9th/16th place: 5x 2€ SkinBaron voucher
    17th/32nd place: 5x 2€ SkinBaron voucher